Our Philosophy

Life is a journey of self-discovery.

You’re constantly changing, and so is the living world around you. At some point, you might feel lost and uncertain about your next destination. To end up on the right path, you need to listen to your heart. 

Your body is empowered by Nature, which is full of knowledge and wisdom. Your body knows all the answers – you just need to listen to it. However, it’s not always possible and never very easy to stay focused on your own inner voice. Very often, you look at others and disconnect from yourself. You do what is expected of you; you do what is requested of you; you do what is accepted as normal; or you just do what is trendy. 

We don’t hear ourselves anymore. We don’t hear our true selves. 

And so we come to the point where we don’t know where to go anymore, or what will make us happy. This is the time to go back to our true nature and do what we really enjoy. It might be a big step, a scary change, and it might not be supported by everyone around us. It takes strength and courage to ignore all those voices. We change the direction, empowered only by own belief and passion. We dip our feet into new waters, we grow, we discover ourselves, and we identify and follow our own dreams.

“It’s Me” fragrance will be your daily support in staying confident and focused on your own path. The scent of It’s Me perfume consists of such essential oils as basil, rosemary and cedar wood, which are known to develop your intuition and improve your self-perception and confidence. 

Discover yourself, and let everyone see your world.


Please follow our Instagram @itsme_perfume, where we will be inspiring you with stories of our ambassadors.

Do you have an inspiring personal story that you would like to share with our followers? If so, we’d love you to get in touch! Please contact us via mailto:info@itsmeperfume.com.